Monday, December 21, 2009

Picture Time

So Sunday morning I go to the store bright and early to get a copy of the paper...Lo and behold my son's picture is pasted in the sports section...I go up to the Harpies aerie to show her...she looks and goes downstairs to show my son and my mother...I had been up all night posting footage of the game to youtube so I fell asleep while they were still passing the paper around...I wake up and try in vain to find the is NWTBF...Has anyone seen the paper with his picture? Yup, Harpy has it and she has claimed it for her own, once again proclaiming herself sole proprietor over anything which enters her domicile. What about me... I bought the dang paper...I'll make you a copy...No your mother has a copy you guys share it, this one is mine...I'm not being petty mind you...I can get another's the principle behind it...If she were the one who had bought the paper and I had taken it, it would be akin to a mortal sin...but because of her false sense of entitlement what she gets is hers and everyone else can suffer...and what everyone else gets is also hers and that's that...there is no argument, there is no question, she has exclusive right to anything and everything she wants no matter who pays for or obtains it...

The Rental

To pick up from last week...we managed to secure a rental car...unfortunately, in spite of the fact that I doled out the cash, Harpy had to procure said vehicle...Which means...that's right...Harpy tries once again to claim sovereignty over all others in matters car related...i.e., I'm the driver so I should get to listen to whatever I want and everyone else can f*** off, I want to stop here for food but we aren't going to stop there for you to pick up a pair of gloves, in fact if she doesn't feel it is beneficial to her no one goes anywhere...We get to where we are going...Watch my son's team win the championship and head to the nearest buffet place with the team...I am forced to dole out even more cash to cover the five members of our party...four of whom I have no reservations about paying for, mind you, but number five of course has said I'll receive the money back from her dinner...I'd hold my breath but the shade of blue I would turn doesn't go with my eyes and I'd be holding my breath for a long time...Then the gas money issue arises...she has none...okay no problem, it was for my son so it's money well spent...however I will only put enough in to get us from point a to point b and back again...I carefully calculated the amount and bought just enough...I knew that if I bought more she would abscond with the vehicle and spend money we could be using for the kids to make sure she had gas to drive around with her bf...So on Sunday the car sat in the driveway for the majority of the day...We were only allowed limited use of it and only if my mother was going to the store for Harpy...

Monday, December 14, 2009


Okay...where were we...Last Thursday I purchase a set of thermals for my daughter...we will be going somewhere on Saturday and it is supposed to be cold...She knows if harpy finds out I have bought her the thermals a fight over misspending of my funds (buying stuff for the kids directly instead of putting the fundage in Harpaic pockets) will result in Inquisition style questioning...So we decide Mommy Dearest should not find out about them...Well guess who finds my daughter tells her a friend from school bought them for her...Harpy begins to chastise the child proclaiming that her acceptance of the "alleged" gift is tantamount to proclaiming that she is a charity case..As punishment for accepting the thermals from "her friend" a Harpaic declaration is issued...a decree which states that the aforementioned offender (my daughter) will receive naught more than underwear and thermals for Christmas...So let's see YOU won't purchase them but no one else is allowed to either...This is reminiscent of the coat episode which occurred not too long ago wherein my son was given one of the four winter coats my mother brought home form her last trip North...upon seeing my son in the jacket she shrieked in horror "Where did you get that?" son informed her that his grandmother had given it to him..."Take it off!"...upon seeing him hesitate to obey her order she screamed.."Take that f***ing jacket off..I didn't buy it so you can't wear haven't worn any of the jackets I bought you and I'll be damned if you're going to wear one someone else gave you..." The interesting thing here is she hasn't bought him a coat for a loooong time so his winter coats are old...Now the funny thing about this is an amazing contradiction which occurred after the initial coat argument..My daughter had taken a liking to a particular coat from the four my mother had brought and nothing was said about her wearing it...Right now you're probably sitting there saying..." yelled about the thermals...and your son's coat...why would...uh...?" Stop wondering, this is an Harpaic phenomenon known as "If I can make it into a reason to yell I will contradict every other thing I have done or said"

Let me cite some prime examples:
To son: All jobs require a urine test
To son later in same conversation: Your uncle didn't need to take a pee test

To my mother upon hearing she had used some sports cream on sons sore shoulder:You don't put anything on my son without clearing it through me first, the stuff you used has such and such and if they test him his sports career is over (It contained no such thing)
Fact: Harpy has used sports cream on him which DOES contain a substance which can cause a false positive reading

To daughter: Your friend has no future because his mother lives in her mothers house (???)
Fact: After we broke up Harpy lived with her mother until her mothers demise in 2008(?)

To son: You have a poor judgement of character when it comes to friends
Fact:She has introduced my children to an ex-con who was selling my brother drugs, one of her boyfriends pulled a knife when he saw my son approaching the car, her current bf who buys drugs for his mother and insists on pointing out the place where he buys them to my kids and their friends

To me: The kids are the way they are because of you and your family
To daughter: I was the same way you were at 14 and I'll go "all ghetto" on your ass just like I used to when I was 14 if you wanna bring it..

The last one is the most intriguing of all because while proclaiming my family as the problem
A.) She fully admits to having acted the exact same way at this age
B.) Due to her and her mother's obsessive need for control me and my family have had a limited influence on the children
C.) This behavior started occurring while she was here in Va and I was still in NY and was the reason she called me to come down in the first place...

I was going to cover more topics in this post but I think this is enough for this one...

Monday, December 7, 2009

Into the Abyssal Maw

The Harpy (aka the Lich Queen) will be deposed from her throne...I hope..both kids want to tell people what's been going on...The only thing that concerns me is any feeling of guilt they might feel afterwards...and retribution on behalf of their mother...I will try to keep them from having to talk too much with the audio I have stockpiled since our last attempt at rebellion...If all goes well this final cataclysm will knock the Harpy down from her lofty perch...If not than the gates will open and all hell will break loose...I have already warned the kids once the ball starts rolling we will be unable to stop it and if we fail everyone will have to face her wrath...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Is anyone even looking at this page or am I wasting my time?

All of a sudden...

The is cozying up to my son for the first time in months she has him upstairs in "her part" of the house...(The house is divided into two sections:Her section(upstairs)...which has a heater and an electric blanket...a computer...lights in both rooms...and is relatively warm... Me and the kids section(downstairs) which has one heater for three rooms not including the kitchen and the bathroom...low wattage lamps in two rooms and no light source in the living computer for three people...and is cold unless you are sitting right by the heater) Anyway since he is going to state she has decided that he should come up and watch football with her...she has also decided that she has to find transportation to the state game...transportation which should she decide not to use her van leaves me and my mother out of the plans...Harpy questioned the feasibility of using her car to get there...and in the process revealed yet another not too surprising revelation..she says her car makes it to Williamsburg when her and her bf go to the movies...Which is roughly a 30 mile trip..when questioned by my daughter about her going out to the movies or wherever with her bf her response was simple "We'll go to Williamsburg in January when I get my refund..."...Plus she will be buying herself a new laptop with her refund and a new car with her refund...I have yet to hear her once mention the kids when she talks about her refund..My son's mattress has springs poking up out of it and she has yet to get him a new daughter has nothing with which to entertain herself except this computer which doesn't work that well and a TV which barely has any reception..I would buy them things except my paychecks are way too small to buy them more than snacks at the store or random little things they want that aren't too expensive...My daughter used to have a stereo she could play CD's with but Harpy demolished it when my daughter refused to wake up at 10:30 P.M. to clean her room sometime in September...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

FREE In home therapy.....

The psychiatrist suggested that we might give this a shot...I figured why not? Waited for the therapist to call me...after seven days of phone tag find out that they had gotten a hold of Harpy first...and she turned it down...when I questioned her about it i was told "I don't want those f-ing people here and it's my house so case closed..." However she wants her to go back to the psychiatrist so he can put her back on the drugs...
Today Harpy allegedly went to work...I say allegedly because I was off and went to speak to my son's coach...on the way home I stopped at the 7-11 and lo and behold I see her 3 o'clock...when she was allegedly at either she didn't go to work or she let her boyfriend use the van...either way she had enough gas to drive ten miles away from her job but not enough gas to let my mother go to the store last night so the kids could eat...She also told me and my mother her bf was staying over tonight and we had to find somewhere else to sleep because her bf didn't know we were staying here anymore...So my mother left...I was not so quick to oblige...stayed came in for about ten minutes then they left...tomorrow I'm sure I will get the lecture and of course I will post it...

On an unrelated note...talked to son yesterday and he told me how pissed he was that she stiffed him on his birthday and still was able to get her nails done while telling him he didn't get anything because she was broke...he knows I can't afford anything so he's not pissed at me (he also knows when I do get any significant amounts of cash they get anything they need...he has stated that I take care of them more than their mother does...) The second I can scrape up enough cash he will get his guitar...that she promised him for his birthday...Only it will be from me..

Friday, December 4, 2009

Harpy Rules for the Children Concerning Future Mates

Son: Girl must be either mixed or black. Can't be too black though. Can't be fat. Can't be ugly seeing as she doesn't want ugly grandkids. White girls strictly forbidden...they are not good mates and he has to carry on the black lineage anyway.

Daughter: Boy must be mixed (unsure on whether whites are allowed for her) . Boy can't be black because it will erase the white genes...

My rules: I have no such rules... if they like them it's their choice...don't care what size shape or color they are...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Last night tells kids house has to be spotless for "exterminator" so get to work....Kids know no exterminator is would in fact be the they stop cleaning. This morning I am sleeping ex comes into son's room and yells "Get the f-k up and get the f-k out of my house I got f-ing company coming over.." (Mind you it's 7 A.M. and I was getting up to go to work anyway). I walk out the door and my mother catches up to me at bus stop...Apparently...after I had walked out the door my son went to go to the bathroom and he was told that it was too bad that he had to go she was cleaning the bathroom so he had to wait until he got to school...daughter missed bus because ex went nazi and demanded to see what shirt she was wearing and daughter was late for school....Came home from work daughter is on computer and informs me my mother and son left because ex came home and began ranting and raving about the toaster...take kids to store daughter forgets she has baked potato in oven....return to house and ex asks who was cooking and daughter goes "oh...."...ex bakes two potatoes for herself..daughter says Nan said she would save three potatoes for her to bake..mother says too f-ing bad I pay for the food...then Harpy proceeds to also eat 2 of the 3 porkchops leaving only one.....Must be a new math thing because there are two kids and now only one porkchop...Then she informs me that if I'm off tomorrow I better find somewhere to go because her bf is coming over and it's her house..She also took off from work yesterday to spend time with him..and went in late today to spend time with him...yet she has no money for smart take off from work and then bitch about not having money...and hit up all your relatives for it...and you ex and your ex mother in law and your ex brother in law/ex boyfriend....Son also informed me tonight that her other ex was selling drugs (To my brother no less) back up in NY and that he had also hit them on a few occasions...and smashed in my daughters door...My daughter asked me if SHE could report her mother to child support and I told her just wait until after my son's state championship game next weekend....He has enough stress right now he doesn't need more...oh and the cats need food so what little money she has is going to buy cat food...more later kid wants comp....
After my son's state game on the twelfth of December will be putting up vid of my ex deliberately instigating daughter before psychiatrists appt..girl was smart enough to tape the ride...psychiatrist stated clearly that the mother should not be around the child...but since I don't have my own place...yup that's right...screwed again...

Signs of Emotional Maltreatment
Shows extremes in behavior, such as overly compliant or demanding behavior, extreme passivity, or aggression
Is either inappropriately adult (parenting other children, for example) or inappropriately infantile (frequently rocking or head-banging, for example)
Reports a lack of attachment to the parent
Constantly blames, belittles, or berates the child
Is unconcerned about the child and refuses to consider offers of help for the child's problems
Overtly rejects the child

Signs of Neglect
Lacks needed medical or dental care, immunizations, or glasses
Appears to be indifferent to the child

All of the above things have been witnessed by countless professionals yet no one is able to help me...Or my kids...No real resources for dads in this situation...but if I was a mother I'd get tons of referrals to agencies to help me...any lawyers looking to go after these agencies for gender discrimination? And the psychiatric hospital where they locked my daughter up and didn't even bother questioning anybody else from the family? Like my son? Or my mother who was present at the time of the incident that caused my child to be hospitalized for observation for five days? Not to mention they seem to have overlooked the above mentioned signs of abuse and my daughters claims of abuse and just threw her on drugs? Which her mother gave her only when and if she misbehaved...The same drugs which the even the psychiatrist said she should have never been given after seeing my daughters aforementioned video? Or maybe the school system for the time my son was brought into the office with a guidance counselor and a social services rep...both of whom he told about my ex yanking my daughter up and punching her inf the face...both of whom responded by telling him to let them know "The next time it happened"...Or maybe I could sue CPS for the pictures I emailed of bruises from the Harpy's first clash with my email which they were made aware of by one of my daughters counselors and never replied to...Any takers? Be forewarned however I'll take no settlements...I want this to run a full judiciary course regardless of a monetary outcome. To just take a sack of bills and shut up won't help any people in the future who run into the same situation as me...
Also should sue child support...told them last year I had been living with them for three years and all they did was send her a letter asking if it were true she checked off no and then said if I tried it again me and "the little bitch" could get the f-k out...
Monday night ex gets home from work muffler is falling off her car....9:00 dark outside and pouring...demands I go out and "tie it up" so it isn't dragging... (had been tied up once already by a tow truck driver about four months ago)...says she can't go to work if I don't do it...not my problem...right?...Wrong... when realizing that the original reason isn't working says she was going to send my mother out to get dinner at the supermarket and if I don't tie it up she won't be able to send mother to store...Try to get under car..soaking wet no light and can't fit...tell my mother to try to move the car so it's a little higher off ground...gets stuck in mud..ex comes out yelling oh great you got my car stuck in the f-ing mud..son and neighbor down block both come out in rain to help ex disappears back into house...tie up muffler go to store...When we get back ex states that I should have done it anyway because we use the car too...We only are allowed to use the car when going to the store for ex but she considers that our privilege...Tuesday night says she is making something daughter doesn't like asks me to buy daughter something at store that she problem...Have to finish something real quick first...getting ready to go and ex starts yelling at daughter about how she should just go without if she don't like what she's cooking...apparently she forgot that her dumb ass was the person who told my daughter that she could get something else...tell my mother to get ready to drive me and my daughter. Ex says no you aren't going to take my car and waste my my daughter asks if we can go to McDonalds seeing as we can walk there..I say okay...ex says I cannot take child with me...I take her anyway so her fries aren't cold by the time I walk back to house....ex rants and raves about A:What I bought B:The fact I took the child with me....

Tonight ex tells me she's not renewing her lease is getting a place with her boyfriend and me and my mother better find another place....Tells me I better not try anything to get kids...Later proceeds to make nasty comment to my daughter about how flatchested she is...(Not the first time daughter told me once before that her mother had asked her why she didn't have a chest and told her that at her age her chest was big)...but i'm supposed to let this lady take her with her when she moves...Have to find alternate source of income quick or this child will be tortured without me there to stop this woman...Any suggestions?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The ex sat up in her room all day playing 80's music at top volume...has not interacted with the kids at all...Not like this is new the only time she comes down from her nest is to yell at someone...Or tell my mother to go get something from the store...Or both...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ex tells son he did no real work last night than contradicts herself by telling daughter that he played hard last night and she wants her to clean. Tells son later why should I feed you you ain't done shit i asked you to. And once again her rich aunt bails her out of rent crisis..aunt has no idea she has been borrowing from everyone and barely paying any of her own bill much less buying stuff for the kids...Addendum..last night son asked her to stay and watch sportscenter like they HAVE ALWAYS done after his game but her bf was more important...she left at 11:20 last night and didn't come home until this morning...also informed him that when he tried to call her on a previous occasion she was on the phone with bf and didn't feel like answering his call...he says he was calling her to pick him up from practice she tells him to learn how to walk home..

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Let us look at the big picture.

Phin cannot get child support reviewed, because H has said if he does this she will make sure he no longer lives there. Then the kids are at her mercy alone. Which is unthinkable.

Child support will not investigate the fact that H is not SPENDING any of the child support on the children, as they do no investigate such claims. They instead refer you to family services and tell you to put in a complaint of child abuse/neglect. Which Phin has done--even sending them pictures of bruises left on the girl. They say que sera sera and dance merrily around the room and ignore him (and al other complaintants) while Phin tears his hair out.

Mind you, if Phin were to stop paying child support to H to take care of his kids himself? He'd be arrested lickety split.

If he gets a second job--again, kids are at her mercy. And if there's
on thing that broad doesn't have? It's mercy!

Lawyer? YOU try finding a pro bono lawyer willing to help a guy with no cash down there.

The teachers at the school, are, apparently, either useless or unconvincing when/if they call child services.

And so Phin said sod it, tired of dealing with things at a local level. And called the National Child Abuse hotline.

They told him that the psychological abuse was he said/she said type of thing. And when he inquired as to taping H to have PROOF of this? They lambasted HIM saying surely you CANNOT do this legally!

Well how the hell else is he supposed to prove it?!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

No, No, Throw MOMMA From the Train

Oh Phans of Phinny. I suck, yay verily. For the past few days Phin has been ringing with one query 'Have you posted yet??' And I'm all like 'Dude!! Totally working on it'

I'm crap, clearly.

The reason Phin is so adamant that I post just now is that Great Things are Afoot!

Courtesy of his youngest child.

And the Harpaic Wonder, of course. Without whom none of this fucking INSANITY would be possible.

So. We use the H word when describing her lordship for a reason. That reason is twofold (Does that even make sense? I don't bloody know, it's 7 AM and I haven't slept yet. Thus!-we shall pretend it does). First is the obvious SPOT ON mythological connotations [Greek Mythology. One of several loathsome, voracious monsters with the head and trunk of a woman and the tail, wings, and talons of a bird]. Secondly is the fact that she harps on everything over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. And over.

How annoying was that to read, ladies and gents?

Well just imagine being stuck in a room with her while she goes on and on and over and over. Never meandering from the same base argument-- repeating everything she's just said as if she's on a loop sequence pre-set for 10 minute replays.

Better yet--imagine being stuck in a CAR with her when she's on one of her little rants. I know that because it's happened to me--and when ignoring her doesn't work--and telling her to fuck off doesn't work--there is just the wistful staring out of the window and wondering if you can manage to jump out of a car going 60 mph. Or if you might get lucky and drop dead of a heart attack. Or some such.

And it is just such an event which brings me here to you today.

You see, a week or so ago, Phin's youngest--in the midst of one of H's non-stop nag sessions--said 'Och. Sod this. I'm hopping out of the car'

While it was still moving.

Now. In all fairness the car wasn't going very fast and it was approaching a stop sign, which is why the kid thought to do this to begin with. Problem is, when the H is mad, she tends to speed up.

And at the very last minute the child thought to herself 'What the hell am I doing? I can't hop out of this van--even if it *is* going slow!'

Alas!--it was too late. She managed to trip over her feet and right out the van door. Even though she'd changed her mind about being stuntwoman of the year. Her klutziness was rewarded with two very broken arms, as she'd thrown them out in front of her to stop her head from becoming good friends with the local asphalt.

She is, aside from her two busted wings, quite good. A quick surgery on each arm--and eight weeks in casts and she'll be right as rain. And I shall get into the whytos and wherefores of both sides of the Alleged Argument that prompted her to take her tiptoe through the concrete Tulips in my next post.

For the moment, though, I wish to leave you with a few Gems Harpaic.

Now let me say now that, no matter the circumstances of how the child got hurt, I can understand being annoyed at their complete stupidity--anyone could. That being said, though, when you are sitting in the hospital with said child, who, if you'll recall, has two broken frickin'
arms, is in sever pain and drugged to the hilt, and that child says 'Mommy, can you fix my blankets?' The answer is NOT 'I don't feel like it right now' And then busying yourself with texting and taking pictures of the kid on your cellphone to send to everyone in your address book!

Unless you're the H, it seems.

She is apparently going for mother of the year. For not more than a few days later the child had the aforementioned surgery. Upon coming home, the child had to pee like nobodys business, apparently. We are talking not more than 4 or 5 hours post-op.

Anyone care to guess what dear old H's answer was?

Answers on a postcard!


Friday, January 23, 2009


Oh phans of Phinny!

I am here to apologize profusely for my complete LACK of postings while Phinny remains puterless.

The lad asks me for ONE favor and what do I do? Well, nothing, obviously.

At least not in a timely manner.

It's just that I've been so bloody busy. And I can never concentrate when I'm NOT busy. Hell, my own blog is, as of late, a testament to the fact that I Can't Write Shite. It's because I've got the attention span of a 5 year-old on pop rocks.

So. I've got to actually WRITE something to post here, but know that I'm on the job (I do so sincerely hope this isn't a euphemism for something else in another country, because then that looks REALLY bad)!

Anyhoo. Hows about a quick tidbit while I get my brain into the proper frame of mind? Right!
The biggest weapon the H likes to wield is that of communication--that is the squashing of ANY communication/contact with the outside world. I believe Phinny has mentioned this previously (with regards to having people over). Indeed, during my own stay down there I learned this first hand.

'Oh, Typh? Just WHY do you have to call your mother/best friend/random operator who is just sane and will tell me it's not REALLY that bad everyday?'

And there was but ONE reason for my need to call home:

Because I would have offed myself otherwise!

That phone was my only means of keeping the frayed edges of my sanity from disappearing altogether. And she complained no end.

(It was not as if her phone were ringing off the hook. And they had call waiting. And it was unlimited long distance. Yet she always complained that somehow it was inconveniencing her)

Now she's trying to pull the same shit with my mother. First it was 'WHY must you talk to Typh every day?'

Then it was, 'You know I've got to pay for those calls!'

(My mother had been under the impression that the long-distance was still unlimited--and I think it was, actually. Especially since Ma made mention of perhaps paying her fair share upon viewing of a bill. Which, naturally, was never procured, probably because it was bullshit)

So. To cut out all the arguing and to remove all the possiblity of arguing, Ma did the smart thing. She bought a phone card. You know those clever little cards? Dial an 800 number, make your call and it deducts the minutes from your talk time?

Brilliant! It was the perfect solution!--or so she thought.

H catches her on the phone:

'You know those calls cost me money!'

Ma wielded her phone card and shouted 'Aha! I have beaten you! For I have this phone card, I dial an 800 number, and the call costs YOU nothing!'

But H banned her from using it anyway BECAUSE she knows things.

'Those things don't work and it is going to show up on my bill anyway because I've seen it happen before! Those cards are NOT free!'

Ok. Fine. I will ring down there (and, a course, Ma will use the calling card when no one is looking).

The other night, nine-ish, I call.

'Hi Ma!'

'Hi Typh!'

*general chit-chat ensues*

'Typh? She just told me to tell you not to call so late'

'What? It's nine-ish for gods sake! Since when is nine-ish too late? What's she a fucking geriatric now?'

'You know the deal-she just doesn't want me on the phone'

'Is she still awake?'


'Kids awake?'


'Then what's the problem? Jesus she's SUCH an asshole'

'God, yes'